Weapons Of Witchcraft

You can take control of your life but you have to defeat the spirit of witchcraft first. Confusion, emotional manipulation, inattentiveness, and probing the soul for information are all common weapons witchcraft uses to  control the believer. We are all attacked by the powers of witchcraft, yet with scriptural understanding of your God-given rights you can defeat its purpose every time.

For Freedom’s Sake

In freedom Christ has made us free (and completely liberated us): stand fast then, and do not be hampered and held ensnared and submit again to a yoke of slavery (which you have once put off). Galatians 5:1 AMP

This scripture makes it clear that Jesus has freed us from the bondage of  witchcraft. It is important to thoroughly understand this scripture because the spirit of witchcraft craves to enslave those who are ignorant to these  words of truth. Witchcraft has a field day with those who don’t know their  rights as children of God. You have to declare this scripture over your life  and know its truth: For freedom’s sake He has made us free by completely removing sin and Satan’s right to put a yoke of any kind on us-including  witchcraft’s control.

Once you have an understanding of your God-given rights and position in  Christ, the next step in defeating witchcraft is to understand its weapons because if you don’t understanding the weapons then you won’t know when you are under attack. In fact, many people, unknowingly, have been influenced by  witchcraft at some time in their lives.

Witchcraft often manifests itself in a feeling that there is something wrong but an inability to put one’s finger on just exactly what it is. Because witchcraft will attack the innocent, it is important that we learn some Biblical truths to aid us in recognizing its demonic assignments. Understanding that witchcraft affects the spiritual climate around us is one important key.

Spiritual Climates

My first encounter with witchcraft was a young, innocent child. Someone that I loved dearly had a strange air about him. When he entered the room I remember feeling an eerie presence come in with him. I could sense the spiritual climate in the room changed from peaceful to nervous and edgy. So objectionable was the change that it would get everyone’s attention. Back then I didn’t know what it was and I couldn’t explain it either. I simply knew that something was not right because his presence made me feel so uncomfortable. That presence attacked my peace and offered me confusion in return. I didn’t understand it then like I do now, but I can tell you it wasn’t very pleasant.

Some of you have had similar experiences. You knew that something was wrong, too, but you couldn’t express or pinpoint the reason for your feelings. We can begin to put some of those feelings into words by looking at some distinctive character traits and weapons of witchcraft. The following list is designed to help you grasp a better understanding of witchcraft’s operations. Keep in mind that someone operating in witchcraft may not use all these weapons or exhibit all these traits.


The first on our list of witchcraft weapons is chaos. Chaos, means an complete lack of peace. When witchcraft is operating there is a release of chaos, confusion and turmoil. Scripture says, For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1 Corinthians14:33

When witchcraft enters a room it comes in like a whirlwind, releasing a cloud of confusion and chaos. Witchcraft operates best in a whirlwind that gets everyone on edge, stirred up and at each others’ throats.

There are sorcerers in India that use a form of witchcraft called Chaotic Magic. It is a method of sorcery that is designed to release witchcraft and create havoc. Sorcerers intentionally send chaos, which is released through words for the purpose of controlling those at whom it is released.

While witchcraft can target anyone, there are certain character traits that seem to invite witchcraft assignments. Have you ever met someone who seemed constantly disordered and confused? They lacked a sense of order in their lives? I am talking about people who aren’t sober-minded or stable, but are unbalanced and flaky. People with those character traits are prime targets for witchcraft’s operations.

People who fall under the spell of witchcraft are recognizable by the chaos and confusion prevalent in their lives. In fact, they suffer from such strong confusion that they have a compelling need for others to take control of their lives and tell them what to do. Witchcraft is glad to oblige.


Another weapon of witchcraft is inattentiveness.

It is difficult to hold the attention of people under influence of witchcraft. You could be talking with them and, suddenly, they start searching through their purse or combing their hair, not paying one bit of attention to what you are saying. As their mind drifts away they think about everything but your conversation.

That is not to say that people who fall under the spell of witchcraft lack intelligence. Many times people under the assignment of witchcraft are indeed intelligent. They look and sound good, but at times are not stable when they are under the spiritual influence of witchcraft. In fact, they often act like schizophrenics (without hearing voices) because they are with you one minute, holding a relatively intelligent conversation, and the next time they have drifted out into wonder, wonder land.


A third weapon of witchcraft is strong confusion.

Witchcraft can be accurately described as a spiritual force that releases strong confusion against one’s mind. One time I was engaged in such intense spiritual warfare with witchcraft, and was hit so hard in my mind, that I could hardly remember my own name. It was at that time that God opened my understanding as to how strong the spirit of witchcraft can be. In an effort to get my act together I went into my hotel room, got down on my knees and plead the blood of Jesus over my mind. After about thirty minutes of strong intercession I was able to pray through and break its influence.

Probing The Soul

Often overlooked, probing the soul for information (particularly hurts, wounds, scars, discouragement and rebellion) is a weapon of spiritual witchcraft.

Scripture teaches us not to be ignorant of Satan’s ministry. If we are ignorant, then he can cause us a variety of problems. Apostle Paul warns,Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices (2 Corinthians 2:11) KJV

Satan knows what he is doing and has various strategies to accomplish his ministry. Satan, oftentimes, will go back to the same weapons that have previously worked in your life. One of his techniques involves using people you know to probe your soul.

To understand how this works, we need to know that God created us as three-part beings: spirit, soul and body. Your soul is your mind, will, intellect, reasoning, imaginations and emotions.

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole
 spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 5:23) KJV

Remember that the spirit of witchcraft’s purpose is to advance its own 
causes while controlling you. Witchcraft will try to infiltrate your life 
through your emotions. A person operating through witchcraft might approach 
you and begin to probe a particular area of your life with many questions.
 They might ask things like, “How is your family doing?” or “Your poor 
mother, I know you are very concerned about her.” or “I heard you were 
having problems in your marriage. Can I help you with anything?” or “How are 
your children?” or “Are you sure everything is alright?” Excessive use of
the question, “Is everything alright?” is a sure indication of witchcraft’s

All this might sound like a nice faithful friend trying to console you. That may even be the case, bit it is the spirit behind the many probing questions that we must discern. Are the questions coming out of a true concern, or, are they probing your soul looking for a way in? Ask yourself what the motivation is. Witchcraft spirits will gather as much information (especially the “dirty laundry”) as they can use against you at a later date.

Pulling On The Emotions

Witchcraft knows how to pull on and manipulate your emotions-and use them as a weapon against you.

When God deals with you, it is from Spirit to spirit-not Spirit to soul (John 4:24). The spirit of witchcraft works best by pulling on your emotions. It uses various strategies, sometimes even shedding tears. Witchcraft will cry with you if that is what it takes to pierce your emotions and hook your soul, so even tears must be discerned.

Witchcraft will probe your emotions searching for a successful gateway into your soul. Witchcraft also searches for pride in you. It looks for pride by watching your reaction to sweet talk, flattery and feeding your ego.

If probing your emotions doesn’t work, witchcraft won’t give up. It will look for other ways in. Maybe glitter, glamour or Hollywood Christianity will bait you. Maybe renting a limousine and treating you like royalty will enable it to pull on your emotions. Or, perhaps weeping, sobbing or crying with you at a weak point in your life will do the trick. Regardless of its reasoning, witchcraft wants to work itself into the emotional areas of yourlife in an effort to control you.

Emotional manipulation is a common form of witchcraft. The boy who continues to tell the girl how beautiful she is and how much he loves her-until is a form of witchcraft. The con man that builds your trust and confidence until the day he steals your money is operating in witchcraft. The person that gives you a gift and threatens to take it back if you don’t obey is operating in witchcraft.

Manipulation Of The Soul

Do you remember the story of Esau, Isaac’s first-born son? He was entitled 
to receive God’s great blessing but he was so controlled by hunger (flesh) 
that he gave up his birthright for a single meal. Later in the scriptures we
 see Esau using tears in an effort to get his birthright back. God saw
 through the ploy and it didn’t work. However, if Esau were alive today, many
 of us would give him back his birthright. Why? Because his tears would pull
on our emotions and we would be manipulated and feel sorry for him. Esau’s
tears would emotionally manipulate us and cause us to lose our spiritual 

Scripture tells us that Esau never repented for this sin, even though he 
plead tearfully for the return of his birthright.

Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel 
of meat sold his birthright. For ye know how that afterward, when he would 
have inherited the blessing he was rejected: for he found no place of 
repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.” (Hebrews 12:16-17)

From this scripture we learn that spiritual discernment does not operate 
through the soul realm. Spiritual discernment does, however, operate in our
 born again spirit, but never through our emotions. Beware of the person that 
tries to manipulate you with tears-that is witchcraft, too.

The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is 
the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance
 in the saints.” (Ephesians 1:18) KJV

In this scripture, the apostle Paul is referring to spiritual understanding 
and knowing. It is a fact that our minds wonder-but our spirits know.
 Spiritual discernment can be blocked by soul compassion through the
 operation of witchcraft in our emotions.


Review these questions to help you identify if witchcraft has been released 
at you through the methods we just discussed.
Has anyone ever consoled you in your time of need then later you found out 
that they were just being nice for selfish purposes?
Have you ever felt sorry for someone ho then took advantage of your
Do you try to gain the approval of someone who abuses you?
Would you have felt sorry for Esau and given him back his birthright because
 he was crying?
Have you ever had someone quiz you with inappropriate questions that dealt 
with your emotions?
Has anyone ever tried to feed your ego or pride with smooth flattering 


Confusion, emotional manipulation, inattentiveness, and probing the soul for 
information are all common weapons witchcraft uses to control the believer.
Witchcraft often manifests itself in a feeling that there is something wrong 
but an inability to put one’s finger on just exactly what it is.
Witchcraft will attack your peace and offer you confusion in return.
Excessive use of the question, “Is every thing alright?” is a sure
 indication of witchcraft’s probing.
When witchcraft is operating there is a release of chaos, confusion and 
It is difficult to hold the attention of people under the influence of 
Beware of the person who tries to manipulate you with tears-that’s 
Witchcraft can be accurately described as a spiritual force that releases
 strong confusion against one’s mind.
Probing the soul for information (particularly hurts, wounds, scars,
 discouragement, and rebellion) is a weapon of witchcraft.
Witchcraft will try to infiltrate your life through your emotions.
Witchcraft knows how to pull on and manipulate your emotions-and use them as
 a weapon against you.
Spiritual discernment can be blocked by soul compassion through the
 operation of witchcraft in our emotions.
In the next article we will discover how witchcraft separates and isolates 
its victim from the influence of friends and family.